Sunday, January 10, 2016

What Will 2016 Bring?

A part of me is glad to say good-bye to 2015.  I'd like nothing more than to have 2016 be magical, but I know that life will happen and it will perhaps be more of the same, but I've planned a few things to jump start 2016. 

One question exhausted me throughout year 2015, which was how to continue to improve my life overall.

The question haunted me to the point that I declared that 2016 would be the year that I would exhaustedly seek avenues that would improved by mind, body and soul.

After reading a New York Times' articleRethinking Weight Loss and the Reasons We’re ‘Always Hungry’ I knew I had to start with my BODY first. 

The article was an eye-opener.  David Widwig, an obesity expert at Harvard School of Public Health reports that conventional wisdom on weight loss is wrong.  The primary driver of obesity is not an excess of calories as we have thought it to be, but an excess of high glycemic foods.

Always Hungry, the title of his book, he talks about foods that acts as "fertilizer for fat cells."

So, this year,  I am ditching the scale and confront the issues that causes weight gain.